Gardener's Supply Company Recall of Rope Candle and Holder

Beeswax Rope Candle (SKU # 34-911)

Date of Recall

CPSC Release Number

Manufactured In

About 2,000

Zhongshan Zhongnam Candle Manufacturer Co., Ltd. of China

Sold By
Gardener's Supply retail store in Burlington, Vt., and in the Holiday 2004 Gardener's Supply Catalog sold the candles from October 20 through November 12, 2004.

The candle has a clamp (vise) that leads the end of the rope candle at the top. When clamped properly it is supposed to self-extinguish the candle when the burning wick meets the metal clamp (vise). The clamp (vise) does not always sever the wax close to the wick and does not always enable the wick to self-extinguish. This can lead to the flame continuing down into the coiled section of the candle, which can then ignite and cause fire damage.

Three incidents were reported where the candle continued to burn past the point where it is supposed to self-extinguish. There was some property damage in two incidents; however, nobody was hurt.

The Rope Candle is a 21-foot coiled beeswax candle that feeds up to a scissors-like vise. The candle is lit above the vise. The candle is 7-inches tall and sits on an antiqued copper-finish holder.

The firm has designed a scissor like attachment that fits on top of the clamp (vise). This cuts the wax from the sides and extinguishes the flame, preventing the candle from burning below the attachment and igniting the entire candle. The firm will either replace the candle with the new fitting, give store credit for the original cost of the rope candle or give a full refund.

Consumer Contact
For more information, contact the customer service team at Gardener's Supply Co., (800) 876-5520, and at their Web site

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